Alpha Omega Epsilon
Georgia Tech Sigma Chapter
The Recruitment Process
Information Night #1
Tuesday, January 14th
Multicultural Lounge
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Information Night #2
Wednesday, January 15th
IC 111
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
What to Expect?
A casual night to get to know us better
No dress code - just bring your wonderful self ◡̈
Topics discussed:
What Recruitment looks like
What Candidacy will look like
What it looks like to be an active member
It is required that you attend one of the information nights to be eligible for an interview. We are flexible with this requirement, so please reach out to us at if you have a conflict.
Recruitment Events
Tuesday, January 21st | Wednesday, January 22nd | Thursday, January 23rd
See below for time and locations
Friday, January 24th (Interview Night for eligible PNMs)
more information about interviews to be relayed throughout recruitment
We have three primary days of recruitment, followed by a day of interviews for eligible PNMs! All information you need to know about the recruitment + interview nights can be found below!

Professional Night
Tuesday, January 21st
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Multicultural Lounge
AΩE is a social and professional sorority! We place a lot of value in preparing our sisters for professional settings, from resume workshops to tips on networking. Learn more about our professional side and what we offer by joining us for a fun and professional activity!
Dress Code: Business Casual​
Leadership Night
Wednesday, January 22nd
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
IC 111
Get to know our sisters more! You will have an opportunity to talk to all of our sisters and learn what makes AΩE so special and all about our leadership opportunities.
Dress Code: Favorite color/outfit

Friendship Night
Thursday, January 23rd
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Multicultural Lounge
Spend the night hanging out with us + other fellow PNMS, and join us for some fun activities!
Dress Code: Cozy fit/PJ's
Interview Night
Friday, January 24th
Time /Location TBA
For Eligible PNMs Only
Have a one on one interview with a sister! We want to get to know you on a more personal level, where we not only see if you are a good fit for us, but you can see if we are a good fit for you! This is for eligible PNMs only (details about interview eligibility will be delivered on the first couple recruitment nights)!

What does eligibility entail?
If you meet the following requirements, you become eligible for an interview:
Attending information night (unless excused by Director of Recruitment)
While attending recruitment nights is not required, it is strongly encouraged and will be taken into consideration. We recommend coming to as many recruitment nights as you can!
Please reach out to if you have attendance concerns!
Meet our minimum GPA threshold of 2.0. This is exempt for 1st years and transfer students who do not have a GT GPA yet.
You are not currently an affiliated member or alumnae of another local or national sorority (contact with any questions)
You have submitted an application through a link provided to any attendee of our recruitment events.
How will I know if I am eligible?
Any PNMs who apply will receive notice of their eligibility status - more information about interviews will be sent out to any eligible members!